Saturday, June 18, 2011

Another Needlework Nibble


Another Needlework Nibble by Tricia Wilson Nguyen of Thistle Threads is available, and of course I just had to get it. This is called Tulip Slip, and is available both as the stitched piece and a finishing kit to make the little pillow. She is selling the kits to help raise fund for the Winterthur Museum exhibit With Cunning Needle: Four Centuries of Embroidery, which runs from September 3, 2011 through January 8, 2012. Her goal is to raise $5,000 and she is already $2,500 due to sales and the generous donation of a $1,000 matching gift. With the sale of each slip, $10 is donated to Winterthur, and $5 for each finishing kit.

The kit comes with a six inch square piece of 36 count Legacy Linen in Oaten Scone, a size 26 tapestry needle and the Au Ver a Soie, Soie d'Alger threads. 

Look at this gorgeous burgundy silk velvet in the finishing kit. It's unbelievably soft, and I hate to think of the price per yard. The green gimp is to outline the slip after appliqueing it onto the velvet, and the gold is for the pillow trim.

When I first started this blog, I wrote about working the Gilded Grapes, which was the first of several Needlework Nibbles I had purchased.  Then I bought the Glittering Snail, which I haven't even touched.

This time I was determined to not let is sit around and gather dust! As soon as it arrived in the mail I started working on it. Since I'm very new to counted work I figured I better make it as easy on myself as possible. Instead of just using center tacked guidelines, I counted off ten threads on either sides of the center and tacked the thread in rows both ways. Then I started the stitching, and here is my progress after a couple of hours. This is all worked in tent stitch with one strand over one thread. So far my tacking threads have been a huge help. I hope to get quite a bit done to show my sewing guild on Monday evening.

These kits are great little projects, just right for trying something new and for gifts. But my problem is that I never want to give them away - I like them too much.

But now it's Saturday morning and time for all the usual weekend chores, especially if we want to eat and have clean clothes! Have a great weekend - and I hope you wish a Happy Father's Day to all the significant Dads in your life!

1 comment:

  1. I love the kit and your tulip is progressing very nicely. I might just use your grid idea next time I do some cross stitch. I have never used that brand of threads either which is something I might try and rectify one day soon. They certainly look wonderful.


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