Sunday, April 8, 2012

A Needlecraft Easter Basket

We don't have small children in our household any more, so there are no Easter eggs, chocolate bunnies or marshmallow peeps for us. Instead, here is a whimsical crocheted Easter basket made many years ago by my grandmother.  She also knitted the chick, which can cover a real or chocolate egg. The springtime rubber duckies came from an import shop. Just so you know, there is no plastic green grass in that basket! When the kids were small I would still find pieces of it around the Fourth of July.

I'm cheating a bit with the basket as I have a small casserole inside to keep its shape and some batting scraps for the ducks and chick to sit upon. There are also some egg shaped candles in the back. If you want some crochet projects for next Easter, visit All Free Crochet for several free projects. In fact, it doesn't take much time or effort to find lots of free patterns all over the internet for all sorts of crafts, if that's what you like to do. For myself, I'll stick to embroidery and sewing, although I do have to admit to not doing much of either for holidays lately.

We are having a quiet Easter, but will barbecue a leg of lamb later on and have some fresh vegetables from the garden as accompaniment. The cat has settled down for his eight hour nap in the linen closet, and I plan on getting some work done on the Golden Pomegranate or maybe the Rosebuds and Hemstitched Baby Dress for a few hours.

My darling little granddaughter and daughter came down with pinkeye on Friday, so no Seder dinner (dad's Jewish), no Easter egg hunt at the park and no church today.  Poor baby.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I had a nice comment all typed up and went to preview it and something ate it. I am wondering if I can use the Easter graphic above? I am going to have a Get Ready Easter Party with Lilla Rose on my personal blog and I will probably have an event of facebook. I assure you if you will let me use it? I will link back to you, mention you and even speak highly of you :-) Thank you & Lots of Love, Patty


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