Welcome to California Stitching, which chronicles my sewing and embroidery activities.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Persian Peony Tile - Very Little Progress
I've made just a tiny bit of progress on the Persian Peony Tile. I managed to almost finish half the border on the right and add a few beaded flowers. Hmm, I must have used the flash on the second photo.
Not much in the way of progress, but I am plugging away on it when I get a chance. I did take it out of the hoop and put it into an Evertite frame. The fabric was just a bit to small to fit properly so it was impossible to keep it tight. Now that it's in the frame I'm much happier with it as the fabric stays nice and tight, then I tacked some muslin around the embroidery to keep the silk clean. I found enough quiet time to add the border on the left. It still needs the stretched pearl purl with floss wound around it on the outer border, but I'm saving that for when I have an hour or two of quiet time. That may not happen soon, as our youngest son just came home and will be here for the week.
Most of my time over the Christmas break has been spent on the black and white quilt for my son. I've managed to square the body of the top, add a gold border, and am now working on the grey border. I'll post some photos soon. It's now Sunday evening, and I have to go back to work in the morning. I think I need another week just to get a few things done!
I hope all of you had a lovely New Year's Eve and Day. We watched several episodes of The Twilight Zone on SyFy then I went to bed early with my cold. I can't get over how good that show was. It's still very riveting.
I hope all of you have a wonderful first week of 2012!