Sunday, December 2, 2012

Colorful Smocking

Isn't this smocking bright and gorgeous? I don't want to show the entire project, as this is for a Christmas gift. Suffice it to say that smocking on black silk dupioni isn't easy, I need to keep it under very bright light to see what I'm doing. And smocking on a small piece of dupioni is very fiddly, as it is easy to catch the floss on the ends of the fabric, disturbing the rhythm of stitching and causing the ends of the fabric to unravel.

The floss is Threadworx 1154, a cotton overdyed floss that I've mentioned before. If you remember, Threadworx took over the floss dying from Needle Necessities when the latter went out of business.

Back to smocking, only a few more rows to go, then I can start on construction. Most people I know love to smock and build up an inventory of smocked pieces waiting to be sewn together, as they generally dislike the construction. Personally, I prefer the construction over the smocking. It took me three tries to get that first row right.

Have a great week, and I hope you can get some stitching time in!


  1. I love both! That thread is gorgeous. While I've purchased overdyes I haven't used them yet. I always wonder how you make things work as you switch to the next piece of thread.

  2. It looks beautiful. Great use of the thread!

  3. This is so vibrant and alive. There is nothing somber about black when it is smocked like this. Just lovely.


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